Harmonization Protocol / Hourly measurements

Hourly measurements

Hourly measurements

Hourly values in long format with datetime

The CENTER-TBI team developed Frequency Tables for the CENTER-TBI data. These Frequency Tables do not lend themselves to analyses of the CENTER-TBI data, but serve to provide some orientating insight into the availability and distribution of data in the CENTER-TBI dataset. The Frequency Tables are available here.

Number of Participants
General approach
Participant Inclusion
All participants (n=5753) of the individual datasets (CENTER-TBI n=4509, Oz-ENTER n=198, CINTER-TBI India n=1046) are included in the harmonized dataset.

Information Content

The E-CRF used was the same for CENTER-TBI, OzENTER, and CINTER-TBI India. All three studies were longitudinal cohort studies with harmonized data points and outcome assessments, and the same inclusion criteria were valid, but for logistic reasons, not all variables from CENTER-TBI have been captured in OzENTER and CINTER-TBI India.

Studies Included

Study Population Data Collection Event
CENTER-TBI Core TBI patients CENTER-TBI Core CENTER-TBI data collection
CINTER-TBI India Core TBI patients CINTER-TBI CINTER-TBI India data collection
OzENTER-TBI Core TBI patients OzENTER-TBI OzENTER-TBI data collection

Initiatives Included


Complete - study-specific variable is the same as DataSchema variable (status detail = identical) or needs transformation to generate DataSchema variable (status detail = compatible)
Partial - categorical study-specific variable (status detail = proximate) or other types (status detail = tentative) could generate DataSchema variable but with loss of information
Impossible - study does not collect DataSchema variable (status detail = unavailable) or cannot be used to generate DataSchema variable (status detail = incompatible)
Undetermined - harmonization status not determined
Not Applicable - harmonization status is not relevant